Friday, June 21, 2013

AGW Assclown & QOTD Winner: Chris Mooney

There is an argument that says he could be the winner every week, but hey, an English major who convinced guilty, rich Libtards to pay him as a "climate expert...?" It's remarkable how profitable a lack of scruples can be, but I digress. Here's what he wrote in (of course) Mother Jones:

"Fracking and global warming are different in one key respect: On fracking, the science is murkier and more contested."

Mooney's asstarded statement is inserted out of the blue amid his presentation of a thesis by a Yale researcher, which posits that "egalitarian communities"--the sophisticated, worldly Left--believe fracking is evil and will poison all our water, just like they believe AGW will bring about Thermageddon and roast us to Venusian cinders. Alternatively, "hierarchical communities"--the reactionary, troglodyte Right--think nothing of the kind. The paper's conclusion is the two groups have mirrored opinions on the two unrelated issues only because they are diametrically opposed to those of their political, ideological opponents, and the divergence, it claims, increases with the level of scientific literacy.

So let's look at Mooney's egalitarian, sophisticated scientific literacy--in just the above sentence. Anything further would require a tome of Proustian proportions.
1. Fracking science is murkier than global warming science. Bwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yes, the murky water activist farmers carry in mason jars claiming it was damaged by fracking--if contaminated at all--is fouled by animal waste (Per Penn State and EPA reports) because the majority of water wells do not have sanitary caps or lining. Curiously, here in PA multiple safety linings are required in shale wells. The technique has been in use throughout Texas, Oklahoma, even Colorado for 50 years.
2. Global warming, by comparison, was only cooked up by Maurice Strong in the late 1970s as a means to justify a global UN carbon tax. Based entirely on divergent and contradictory computer models, AGW theory posits that increased CO2 levels will drive up global temperatures by as much as 6 deg. Celsius, causing untold calamity.This theory will be proven by a tropospheric hot spot appearing above the tropics about five years ago. Oh, and the Arctic will be ice-free as of last year.
Well, while CO2 concentrations have increased in the last decade, temps have not. They have cooled for more than a decade. The hot spot has not appeared. Neither have the poles melted, sea levels risen 50 feet, nor have the tropical rain forests been charred into desiccated husks.
Clear as day.

H/T Tom Nelson

1 comment:

Eric Praline said...

There is a major connection between AGW and fracking, they both make the luddite left piss themselves. That reason alone is enough to support them.