Friday, June 7, 2013

Hey Anonymous and Wikileaks, Just A Thought...

If you're really that good, you can get this guy's phones records, right?

(Art shamelessly stolen from A Nod To The Gods.)

Oh, and because they're watching-- Fuck The Feds!


Anonymous said...

"Oh, and because they're watching-- Fuck The Feds! "

You do know they're amongst your most loyal minions, right?

Eric Praline said...

You're barking up the wrong tree. Anonymous and Wikileaks could care less since it's The Lightbringer doing the spying. If it were a Repub admin. trying to get a warrant for the phone records of a known terrorist, they'd throw a shit-fit. But Barry could read their emails, drink their milk right from the carton, and rape their mothers and they'd still line up to slurp at his nuts.

Soylent Sage said...

Yes, Eric. The request was to portray their entirely leftist--ergo non-rights--agenda. Much like the ACLU they will only object to conservatives, no RINOs, no classical liberals violating our God given rights.
If statists/communists do so, they are silent.
They are feeding the crocodile.

B.C. said...

SG, if I was still in the mood to be posting, I'd be tearing the current crop of Obongo's scrote-lickers with the quite prescient prognostication of none other than Senator Walter Mondale in the hearing over the NSA violations of 4th Amendment rights of U.S. citizens, back in '75...

It's an incredibly long read, but the really juicy part starts at the bottom of Page 35 and continues from there...

Here's a teaser:

Senator MONDALE. Given another day and another President, another perceived risk, and someone breathing hot down the neck of the military leader then in charge of the NSA; demanding a review based on another watch list, another wide sweep to determine whether some of the domestic dissent is really foreign based, my concern is whether that pressure could be resisted on the basis of the law or not.

General ALLEN. Well, it is very hard for me, of course, to project into a future unknown situation. And there are certainly risks that seem to have occurred in the past. I can certainly assure you that at the present time, under any combination of the present players, as I understand the rules and the players themselves, there is no possibility of that.

Senator MONDALE. I will accept that. But what we have to deal with is whether this incredibly powerful and impressive institution that you head could be used by President "A" in the future to spy upon the American people, to chill and interrupt political dissent. And it is my impression that the present condition of the law makes that entirely possible. And therefore we need to, in my opinion, very carefully define the law, spell it out so that it is very clear what your authority is and what your authority is not. Do you object to that?

General ALLEN. No sir.

Soylent Sage said...

Yeah, But that was '75. Right after Nixon. Of course he was aghast. He could not have foreseen DoubleplusNixon.

Soylent Sage said...

Good point, DV.