Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reading The Fine Print

Last week only RacistTeaPartyTroglodites wanted to delay Obamacare. Yesterday, His Wholly Reluctance God/King Obamandias decided to push back the registration deadline requiring plebes to pay into the new national Ponzi scheme for six weeks.
This gave me pause...for thought:
Naturally, because Communists, uh, Progressives, uh, Liberals, uh, Democrats believe 5,000 years of human history is meaningless now that they are here, it follows that they've never read Faust or The Devil and Daniel Webster.
I bring this up because it has become evident that they erred in their deal with Beelzebub.
Yes, as their Edifice to Mephistophelian Mandatory Medical Insurance crumbles like a highway caisson federally contracted to Pelosi's cousin, they should have actually read their contract with Asmodeus. Yet, following Rosa Klebb's lead, they opted to sign it to find out what's in it. Now, Satan has their souls. Well he probably had them anyway, but now--it's in blood. John Roberts can tell you how tight that contract is.
But Lucifer only agreed to assure Obamacare would pass. There was nothing in there about actual implementation or functionality--it's not like the deal was 1,600 pages or anything.
Functionality...yeah, right. Like the Prince of Darkness commands such magic.  


Eric Praline said...

TL:DR is not a valid defense in contract law, especially one written in human blood. They've got only one way out of this. Can any of them play the fiddle?

Soylent Sage said...

I thought of that, Eric. But then again,the music thing didn't help Robert Johnson either.

Trialdog said...

Thanks SG. That may be, no, IS the best objective analysis of how we got where we are today.

Soylent Sage said...

TY, Trialdog.