Saturday, November 2, 2013

I Predict...

Yes, it is that time wherein I channel my inner Chandu and foretell of phenomena to come. Today's installment: Going Medical!*
And yes, it will be called that.
Before then end of 2014, there will be multiple instances of formerly insured patients blasting doctors' offices, emergency rooms--and maybe political offices--with shotgun and semi-auto fire.
I am also getting visions of terminal patients going full nothing-left-to-lose with TNT.
I further predict...The MFM, led hilariously as always by MSNBC, will demonstrate true dumbfounded bafflement at the cause. Set your DVRs for the priceless comedy.
Of course, I also predict that in a day or two, they will be told by their government overlords that these instances are, in fact, a reaction to the effects of Obamacare. They will then be told to vehemently promote rampant gun and ammo confiscation.
What follows will be Martial Law...
And Obamacare will, finally, have succeeded.

*For those of you too young to recall, back in the 1980s when fired letter carriers returned to their places of work to seek fatal revenge against those who pink-slipped them...and any unlucky coworkers who'd ever scowled at them, it was called: Going Postal. The original nomenclature faded from usage as ex-workers in a number of industries took similar action.


Eric Praline said...

I predict that, after the shootings, Tingles will break the land speed record getting to a camera to blame "extreme Tea Party rhetoric."

B.C. said...

I'm really kind of shocked that someone with a terminal illness hasn't already taken out a few of the Marxist Muttfucking Mungmunchers. A few pounds of C-4 hidden in a "full" colostomy bag would do wonders for clearing out some of the shit fouling up the system.