Thursday, January 16, 2014

Yeah, About That Minimum Wage Hike...


Eric Praline said...

There are some ladies downtown who are paid in crystal meth and Old Milwaukee, does that count?

Anonymous said...

You would think that a person whose whole livelihood is satire would recognize it when he hears it?

Ogrrre said...

I tried to make this very point with a lib once. It would not matter if you raised the minimum wage to $10 or $10 M per hour, people making minimum wage would not be able to live on minimum wage. The solution to the problem is for people to acquire the skills and work ethic to make them more valuable than the minimum wage.
Libs either CAN'T get it, or just WON'T get it.

Flaxen Saxon said...

Indeed Ogrre, what you say is undoubtedly true. However, a lot of folk are too stupid, lazy and drug addled to take note. And more importantly, raise their sad,pimple be-jewelled arses out of their self imposed gutter. Some folk are irredeemable and need to be treated with the utter contempt they ultimately deserve. Just my humble opinion though. I have no idea why I'm commenting so. Usually I'm here for the stunning compilation of naked women.

Flaxen Saxon said...

Sorry Ogrrre, I missed out an'r', in your name on my original comment.In mitigation, I'm not too bright and generally pissed. That said, I do work hard and have never received any financial help from anyone/government agency. Please forgive my minor transgression; it will not happen again.