Sunday, March 2, 2014

LC Is Psychic About #FuckYeahGodzilla

In the Castle Bravo Anniversary Post, Her Sithiness lamented that after 60 years "all we have is Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan to show for our might." How prescient. The new Godzilla will feature all three, though it probably won't call them that. Observe:
It's not Godzilla knocking those planes out of the sky and diving into the sea. It's...

And of course, the original teaser gave us this...

They will doubtless be cooler than the Toho originals. But coolness didn't seem to help #Mothra2.0. I'm confident Gareth Edwards didn't go for the miniature Japanese twins or the ghost of Nick Adams...and definitely no Gamera.
UPDATE: According to Worstpreviews, the flying critter is not Rodan, but something called Muto...Potato / potahto. Here's what the toy looks like:


Anonymous said...

Okay, I had to engage in a fuck-of-a-lot of research to understand this post and frankly, yawny, yawny, cunt, cunt. It is not often that I am grateful I am not a Baby Boomer, but this time, I surely am.

LC Aggie Sith said...

In recognition of my talents, I shall deign smooches on your visage ;)

Anonymous said...

Dearest LC Aggie Siph,

Assuming you are addressing me, and let's be honest, who wouldn't be, ask the fair Soylent what I think about the use of punctuation happy faces in verbiage ostensibly addressed to me.

Please to notice the deliberate misspelling of your name. Interesting use of the word deign without the preposition to. I trust this debasement will not be too unpleasant?

LC Aggie Sith said...

Actually, I was addressing my friend SG, who addressed me in the title of his post.

I don't know you, so it would have been rather crass for me to address you in such a manner.

Not to worry. I shall not address you again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In fact, not only will you address me again, you will increase the frequency of when you do. Then, you will begin to attempt to undress me.
As you are a pompous cunt, I reckon I will probably let you.

Anonymous said...

Did someone forget their meds today?

Dave C said...

Someone is off her meds today. And it's not LC.

Anonymous said...

Dave C, concur.

Anonymous said...

Oh how clever.

I did not forget my medications. Unlike you cunts, I can write my own scripts. The problem was a nasty contraindication and administration of medication error - I took a suppository orally.

GMLand said...

ALTC - some folks just don't know their place around here. Your's is in the kitchen, bitch. Get in their and get back to work and shut that yap that is letting all that moronic drivel spill out of.

Anonymous said...

Sammichs, where are they?

Tiberius said...

Oh look. The aquarian cunt thinks it is people

Anonymous said...

Oh dear.

Before I completely eviscerate the lot of you old white male cunts, I will need Mr. Soylent's permission.
It is going to be a bloody mess with the debris of shattered old-white-guy egos knee deep.

Do I have your blessing Mr. Soylent?

GMLand dribbled,

".......Your's is in the kitchen, bitch......."

Indeed. I quite like it there. Please to address me properly though; it's fucking bitch you thalidomide stump sucker. Best you get your milquetoast derogations upgraded, 'cause one fuck of a prolapsed and thrush festooned cunt is about to open the Gates of Hell on your sorry sagging arse white boy!

Dearest Tiberius. Are you aware that your Roman Emperor namesake had little fishes swim underwater and nibble on his genitals when he was bathing in his pool in his palace on the Isle of Capri? His little fishes were all little boys by the way.

You're a dullard who can't spell. I dismiss you outright.

Dave C said...



Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That was me above. I made far too many errors involving wayward chevrons. It was best that the comment be removed from human knowledge

Dave C,

Don't you mean Too Literate; Couldn't Read?


Be honest, you'll feel better.

Dave C said...

You're saying words but all I'm hearing is, "Memememememememememe"

Anonymous said...

Actually I am pixellating words, there is no audio involved. Accordingly, you are not actually hearing anything either, except perhaps the sound of your scrotum tightening as you re-absorb your testicles like a Sumo wrestler does for protection.
Your cognitively puerile perception of "Me-ad infinitum" is curiously enough, quite correct.

Now dance for me little man.

Critter said...

Methinks Cuddles is missing her/its nightly dose of 10cc's of Thorazine.

Soylent Sage said...

ALTC--You chose...poorly.
LC Aggie Sith is not a "cunt" in your Brit Twit-argot sense, and certainly not in the Mercan sense.
SHE is Seraphim, merely disguising herself as a machete-wielding, multilingual Mercan mom.
I suspect, but thankfully have not confirmed, that another of her avatars is Kali.

Anonymous said...

Wow, all this twat had to do was click the link, make a comment about assuming, and moved on. LC Aggie Sith's reference was there in the comment. But noo....she gets called a liar. By a spastic idiot who then has the nerve to loose her 3 brain cells to everyone else. What a maroon.

Paulie said...

Don't know if I should join this fray, as usually I simply lurk and enjoy the site… but I have to say that I am laughing out loud at ALTC's screeds.

Gotta give credit where credit is due, and I suspect that Aggie would agree.

jam2 said...

Soylent, nice site ya got goin' on!

Aggie, you're the best-

Anonymous said...

Apologies, Soylent, I mean no disrespect. Nor do I harbour any malice of intent. I would direct you and all your readers to the comment above from one Paulie :
Indeed she, as she must be a she, understands my hyperbolic word salads in the way they are ALWAYS intended.
I believe that if I were to append a punctuation happy-face to the terminus of one of my screeds, the meaning(s) of my dross would be apparent to most. I do not do this because I consider it an insult to the bright folks for whom I pixellate and who comprehend my crap without this most pedestrian of clues.

One last kick at the can, though.....

The brave Anonymous on March 4, 2014 at 12:17 AM said,

"......But noo....she gets called a liar. By a spastic idiot who then has the nerve to loose her 3 brain cells to everyone else. What a maroon......."

The exclamatory riposte, "Liar!" to the fair Ms. Aggie's declarative, "Not to worry. I shall not address you again." is a perfect example of how an affix of a punctuation happy-face would have helped others to correctly read my intention. I would have thought, though, that my comment directly following the "Liar!" comment would have given the bright folks a clue. As for your assertion of my spastic idiocy, you are only half correct. I am indeed spastic, grossly so, but an idiot? I think not. Idiots - those who would score between 0 and 50 on a Standardised IQ test - cannot be taught to read and write. Now an Imbecile - those who would score between 50 and 70 on a Standardised IQ test - can be taught, with great difficulty, to read and write. I think that I have successfully demonstrated my ability to both read and write. I think it only apropos to consider me at least, at a minimum, a high-functioning Imbecile or perhaps even a border-line Moron(those who would score between 70 and 90 on a Standardised IQ test)if you would like to be generous.

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot,
:) :)


I don't know how to do them!

Anonymous said...

Tsk, name is Staci...many posting here know me and also know why I wouldn't create an account. Has nothing to do with knock it off. Set that shovel aside, step aside and climb out of that hole.

And scoring way above average on standardized IQ tests...I can say this after socializing with people from all walks of can be "intellectually smart" but a "fill in the blank" idiot. I've seen many low IQ folks with incredible common sense. Many people consider idiots people who lack common sense. This isn't some white paper on IQs, it's a freaking blog post about God-freaking-zilla for goodness sakes!!

I think it is a far conclusion to call your reaction spastic...same as knee jerk reaction or "shoot first, aim later"'s semantics. When people socially put their "proverbial" foot in thy mouth, I personally think this is idiocy...kind of along the lines of the term an intellectual idiot.

So may I leave you with a kind suggestions and I will gladly revoke my claim you are an idiot (at least a social one), my I "bravely" suggest you just say you apologize for being a rude "cunt" (using the term you refer to yourself...not one I like to use makes people bristle in my social circles so I try not to get to comfortable with so it becomes something not part of my regular vocab). I refrain from any sarcasm, abrasive chatter and other oddities to people who don't know me because it prevents unfortunate circumstances such as this. I'm quite after people will stop thinking of you as socially retarded.

You may find the group that rallies around Aggie and call her friend appreciate creative invective when used appropriately. Just saying.


Soylent Sage said...

Welcome to the puzzle house, Staci.
No such thing as too many Rotties.

Soylent Sage said...

BTW--The post has been updated.

LC Aggie Sith said...

Thanks, y'all, for your wonderful comments. Chivalry isn't dead. Hell, it's not even on life support.

XBrad and Dave, chocolate and booze are the only meds I have given up. Lent strikes again, but only for 40 days. Then I shall return to my Sithy self.

Tiberius, only you can manage such a great Soylent Green reference, so subtle and sharp.

J'Ames, you are always welcome to stop by for a sandwich. GML, I will happily make you a sandwich when I make one for J'Ames, and of course followed by some Johnny Walker Blue to wash it down.

Soylent Green, my machete is always at your disposal, especially if, and/or when Werewolves of London are involved.

Jam2, your compliment is returned tenfold.

Staci, you are my true sister, in word and deed. I can't wait to see you soon!

LC Aggie Sith said...

the flying critter is not Rodan, but something called Muto.

What the... MUTO?? Is that a play on "mutant"??

I weep for the future.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Solylent...I had wondered where had gotten up to and then saw some links to you and rely on those...I'm too prude to cruise. ;)

And anyone who doesn't like my punctuation wink...nnInn. I had to give my public politicking on blogs a rest and come back and boy have things changed.

I am glad to see some stayed true to their roots.

LC Staci

LC Aggie Sith said...

And Paulie, definitely. I always give credit when due :)