Friday, April 19, 2013

Surprise: Another Scottish Wind Turbine Collapses Due To WIND

Yes, the Plover-Pureeing Carbon Crucifixes don't work when there's no wind, and when there's a lot, they crash to the ground--but they will still save the planet if we cover every square inch of arable land with them. This time in the Eco-FAIL occurred in Aberdeen.

It is The Scotsman's top story--knocking the custody fight over a sheep from the top of the page.

The landowner used a tractor with a digger attachment to collect the turbine blades on Wednesday. Neighbour Willie Mitchell, whose home overlooks Mr Anderson’s land, said: “It just goes to show how dangerous these things can be.

H/T Tallbloke via Tom Nelson


microdave said...

You can bet that whatever the manufacturers say about design wind speeds, they fail to allow for sudden gust loads.

Telephone poles can withstand amazing side loads from the weight of cables, but will snap like a matchstalk if a car hits them in even a modest collision. It's the recoil wot does it...

Steamboat McGoo said...

I loves me some climate-Alarmist insulting alliteration, SG! Thanks!

Oh, god! The robot test again!

Anonymous said...

Look carefully at the photo. See the mounting flange at the bottom?
The damn thing has pulled right off the concrete base. What do you want to bet they used import hardware.
I refuse to use China made bolts/nuts for anything that matters, strength wise.
British Credit rating dropped to AA+ from AAA (See Fitch)
