Friday, February 6, 2015

A Belated AGW Birthday Present: #SoylentRules!

Modesty is for people of modest abilities. 
Sound wisdom from a former editor of mine. Ergo, I will blow my own horn about some of my own wisdom displayed in the left sidebar -- the one that says climate scientists are "so incompetent that have to cheat to prove a circular argument."
Yesterday, that remark was shown to be more than just another example of my rapier-like wit. It was shown to be true...
"As well as having some basic statistical errors, Marotzke's study can be shown to utilise circular logic. This means its conclusions are unsound. Moreover, the stability of estimates for at least one of the two key structural model properties used is so poor that even were he able to rework the paper without the circularity--which appears to be impractical--it would very likely be impossible to draw meaningful conclusions. I think the authors have no scientifically-defensible choice but to withdraw the paper." 
Allow me to summarize: Bwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Eric Praline said...

I bet Marotzke is going to be made NBC News' climate correspondent. He rises to the level of integrity of Brian Williams.

Beale said...

As my grandmother used to say: He who toots not his own horn gets not his horn tooted.

Soylent Sage said...

Good thing. I don't usually go in for granny gummers.

ooGcM taobmaetS said...

I have always liked that sidebar comment.
Its concentrated wisdom in one short clear sentence..

The Jannie said...

As my dad used to say - " Go to the top of the class; don't take your books, you won't be there long".